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2023-01-22 08:33:14冷藏柜1

1. 介绍电冰箱的作文

In my home, there are so many household appliances, he gives us life convenient. But I like the refrigerator or home, it not only good looks, and many functions.

"In" the refrigerator, like a coat milky white angel, firmly stand in the corner. Give a person with elegant and pure and fresh feeling. He is a head taller than me! At the top of the refrigerator to a row of small lights, red, yellow, green can be beautiful. These small lights not good-looking, its function is quite big, red and yellow lights unit, a green light means that heat preservation. Do you want to know what kind of situation, a lantern.

The refrigerator, and I have a little story! It is a hot summer, I just bought two ice cream in the fridge, to that point to ice ice cream tasty! After an hour, I opened the refrigerator, not startled! The ice melted inside, the flow of water, a beach, and see that two ice cream, full, I very sad. A refrigerator is broken? I took my question to mom and dad, mom to impatiently say: "if the refrigerator is broken, those who bought the vegetables before long will spoil!" "Yeah! It can do?" Dad is anxiously around, suddenly saw a refrigerator, dad, the power plug is suddenly enlighted, smiled and said: "you see, how also lost plugs line! We must carefully point!" My mother and I are relieved to their own "jobs", their mother in the kitchen to play her father to sit in sofa symphony, the son, and my newspaper, watch TV back lazily.

A refrigerator, bring us in my home, there are so many household appliances, he gives us life convenient. But I like the refrigerator or home, it not only good looks, and many functions.

"In" the refrigerator, like a coat milky white angel, firmly stand in the corner. Give a person with elegant and pure and fresh feeling. He is a head taller than me! At the top of the refrigerator to a row of small lights, red, yellow, green can be beautiful. These small lights not good-looking, its function is quite big, red and yellow lights unit, a green light means that heat preservation. Do you want to know what kind of situation, a lantern.

The refrigerator, and I have a little story! It is a hot summer, I just bought two ice cream in the fridge, to that point to ice ice cream tasty! After an hour, I opened the refrigerator, not startled! The ice melted inside, the flow of water, a beach, and see that two ice cream, full, I very sad. A refrigerator is broken? I took my question to mom and dad, mom to impatiently say: "if the refrigerator is broken, those who bought the vegetables before long will spoil!" "Yeah! It can do?" Dad is anxiously around, suddenly saw a refrigerator, dad, the power plug is suddenly enlighted, smiled and said: "you see, how also lost plugs line! We must carefully point!" My mother and I are relieved to their own "jobs", their mother in the kitchen to play her father to sit in sofa symphony, the son, and my newspaper, watch TV back lazily.

2. 介绍电冰箱的作文三年级



3. 介绍电冰箱的作文怎么写


它高,大约是:1。6米,宽约是:1米。它上面是冷藏室,可以放蔬菜。下面是冷冻室,可以放冰淇淋,也可以做冰淇淋。冷藏室上面有一个按钮,名字叫除霜钮,每当冷藏室的霜很多时,它就会起动自动除霜功能。  自从有了这个冰箱以后,我们做事就方便多了。比如说,我们家吃饭后还剩下许多饭和菜。以前,奶奶就把那些倒掉了,怕我们吃坏肚子。我看着觉得很浪费。可是,现在自从有了这个冰箱以后,剩饭和剩菜就可以放在冷藏室里面,明天就不用怕会坏掉了。也不用那么浪费了。  在炎热的夏天,下面的冷藏室还能为我们贡献出美味可口的冰淇淋。记得那一年夏天,天气很热,火辣辣的太阳挂在空中,蝉在树上不停的叫着“知了,知了。”我热得汗流浃背,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,反正我们有冰箱,不如做个冰淇淋吧!”妈妈说:“好啊!”于是,我找妈妈要了20元钱,到下面的商店里买了一些做冰淇淋的材料,然后回到家里便开始做了起来。做好后,我便把冰淇淋放到冰箱下面的冷冻室冰了起来,然后我便看起了书,我的人在房里,心却飞到了厨房里,我便一会儿出去看冰淇淋好没有,一会儿又进来妈妈看到以后,对我说:“淳子,你不要一会儿出来一趟,这样冰淇淋永远都做不好的。”于是,我过了3个小时以后,再去看,果然做好了。  我吃着美味可口的冰淇淋,心想有了电冰箱真好! 一年级:记忆的水沫

4. 介绍电冰箱的作文300字





参考尺寸为730 * 910 * 1780mm的双门冰箱。


5. 介绍电冰箱的作文500字说明文







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