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2023-03-02 00:22:18冷藏柜1

1. 京剧配英文的歌

if you feel my love Blaxy Girls 里面有京剧《铡美案》的一小段唱.

2. 一首带京剧的英文歌

说一首这久在听的一首歌if you feel my love京剧版,一开始听很奇怪,为啥一首英文歌会混杂京剧,听过几遍才觉得京剧和英语兼职完美契合,再一看京剧出自经典的铡美案,而歌中京剧原唱则为京剧大师梅葆玖,梅兰芳的第九子,很惭愧用这样的方式认识国粹京剧大师还有如此与时俱进的唱法,建议楼主可以去听一听。

3. 京剧带英文的歌

Blaxy girls的《if you feel my love》,肯定是这首 部分中文歌词: 近前看其详上写著 秦香莲三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王瞒皇上 悔婚男儿招东床 近前看其详上写著 秦香莲三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王瞒皇上 悔婚男儿招东床

4. 京剧配英文的歌曲


We live lives above the sun

We flow like the wind

From now the battle is strong and long(?)

But we'll fight until the end

From the top of the clouds

To deep on the ground

We'll be the heroes that you need

We have taken the vows

And we've started us now(?)

But who knows what lies before us

We let the fear come to truly freeze when tomorrow's on(?)

The fate of the unknown

We're tired of and let go

The earth and heaven twirls my twirl(?)

We'll stand together as one

And though the road to freedom may be long and high

They try to push us down

But love's all around

There is nothing that we can't do

We'll stand together as one

5. 京剧用英文唱

应该是来自罗马尼亚女子乐团Blaxy的If you feel my love 本歌其实在创作之初是没有京剧段的,之后是在中国推广才加上象征中国风的京剧段,在网上很难找到含京剧段版本的下载,但歌可以很容易找到,我在优酷曾经看到过含京剧版的MV,就是这些 听歌愉快

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