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the house is good 还是well? a house还是an house?

2023-08-22 16:40:40冷柜1
<h2>一、the house is good 还是well?</h2><p>good.</p><p>good(好的),形容人或者物体好,或者某件事情办的好。</p><p>well(好地),good的副词形式,一般修饰实意动词,做得好,干得好。例如:</p><p>She is a good teacher.</p><p>(形容词作定语修饰名词)</p><p>The novel is very good, I like it very much.</p><p>这本小说非常好,我非常喜欢。(系表结构)</p><p>Lily sings well.丽丽唱的好。</p><p>How are you? I&#39;m very well.</p><p>你好吗?我很好。</p><p>well做形容词时,指身体好。</p><h2>二、a house还是an house?</h2><p>house的读音是以辅音开头,所以应该说:a house。</p><h2>三、at house 还是at the house?</h2><p>at house 释义:</p><p>在房子</p><p>例句:</p><p>And they should look at house prices and the price of liquidity (defined as the interest spread on corporate bonds that is not attributable to the risk of default) as well.</p><p>同时也应该关注房产和流动资产(不受违约风险影响的公司债券的利息)的价格。</p><p>at the house释义:</p><p>在众议院</p><p>例句:</p><p>At this moment a car stopped at the house.</p><p>就在此时,一辆汽车停在那座房子前。</p><h2>四、in the well与on the well的区别?</h2><p>in the well释义:</p><p>在井里</p><p>例句:</p><p>He looks in the well and shouts.</p><p>它往井里一瞧,大喊。释义:</p><p>在井里</p><p>例句:</p><p>He looks in the well and shouts.</p><p>它往井里一瞧,大喊。</p><p>on the well释义:</p><p>在井里</p><p>例句:</p><p>I drink a lot of water and fruit juice and I eat the meals on the well-being menu.</p><p>我喝很多水和果汁,而且我吃健康菜单上的食物。</p><h2>五、not well 与no well的区别?</h2><p>not well: 不爽</p><p>He is not well off, only he seems such . 他并不富裕,只是像富裕罢了。</p><p>It seems that all is not well at home . 看来家中并非事事如意。</p><p>The composition is not well organized . 这篇文章前后不相应。</p><p>This article is not well organized . 这篇文章层次不清。</p><p>The child looks a bit listless. i &#39;m afraid he &#39;s not well . 这孩子有点,怕是病了。</p><p>The team was not wellbalanced.</p><p>这个队的队员配备得不是很均衡。</p><p>no well:</p><p>There&#39;s no well-designed path for the blind.</p><p>没有为盲人精心设计的道路。</p><h2>六、as well as与as well的区别?</h2><p>as well 用法: </p><p>1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如:</p><p>I'll come with you if you like. I might as well. </p><p>如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。</p><p>2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。如: You may as well go、 你去也好。</p><p>There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.</p><p>关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如就顺其自然好了。</p><p>3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It's just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”的意思。</p><p>如: —We were too late to see the film. </p><p>我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。 </p><p>—Just as well,I hear it isn't very good. </p><p>不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。</p><p>as well as 用法:</p><p>1、as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,作“不但、而且;还有”解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only ...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。如:</p><p>Scientists should be literate and articulate as well as able to handle figures</p><p>科学家除了要能处理数字,还应该具有文学素养和善于表达。</p><p>2、as well as 在和动词连用的时候,通常译为 “两者一样好”。需要注意的是,此时仍然遵循侧重点在前半部分的规律,不能翻译为 “他汉语说得跟英语一样好”。如:</p><p>Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception</p><p>很少有吉他手唱歌像弹吉他那么好,然而埃迪是个例</p><h2>七、at a house与in a house的区别?</h2><p>1、强调不同,in the house... 一般都是特别强调“在......内部/里面”,而 at the house... 只是因为这个地方被视为是不算很大的地方,所以介词可以去使用 at。</p><p>2、应用不同,有时候在表示地点状语时,这两个介词完全可以互相换用。只是在句意如果是强调“在......内部/里面”时,最好还是使用 in。</p><p>3、表达不同,介词 in 表示“在...里面”,at&nbsp;表示“在...的位置上”,所以 in the house 指在房子的里面,at the house 指在房子坐落的那个地方,不一定在里面。</p><h2>八、really well和very well区别?</h2><p>really well释义:</p><p>真的很好</p><p>例句:</p><p>From that moment on , she never felt really well again.</p><p>从那时候开始,她就再也没真正好受过。</p><p>As well as words, I (like you) also love presents. I love buying presents for my friends and finding out what they would really like.&nbsp;</p><p>和话语一样,我也象你一样很喜欢礼物。</p><p>very well释义:</p><p>非常好;那好吧</p><p>例句:</p><p>He doesn&#39;t hear very well.</p><p>他听觉不是很好。</p><h2>九、as well中well是啥词性?</h2><p>as well中well是副词词性。</p><p>Just as well, I hear it isn&#39;t very good.</p><p>不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。</p><p>I am going to London and my sister is going as well.我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。You may as well go.你去也好。It&#39;s just as well.Are they coming&nbsp;as well?</p><p>他们也来吗?</p><h2>十、go well 中 well的词性?</h2><p>我的答案是 go well 这句话的意思是去好,well在这里是副词,修饰动词go。</p><p>上来这道题考察的是英语中词性应用的知识点,我们知道在英语语法中,一般情况下,副词是用来修饰动词和形容词的,形容词是用来修饰名词的,由于go是动词所以用well来修饰。</p>

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