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试题答案搜索方法? 软件测试题答案?

2023-11-30 14:59:51农业知识1




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1. 好的测试员不懈追求完美。

N 不能过于钻牛角尖,好的测试员知道何时完美无法企及,何时达到“够好”。

2. 软件测试是有效的排除软件缺陷的手段。N 不能把排除软件缺陷依赖于软件测试

3. 程序员与测试工作无关。N

4. 白盒测试的条件覆盖标准强于判定覆盖。Y 六种覆盖标准:语句覆盖、判定覆盖、条件覆盖、判定/条件覆盖、条件组合覆盖和路径覆盖发现错误的能力呈由弱至强的变化。

5. 验收测试是以最终用户为主的测试。Y 验收测试又分a测试和b测试,前者有开发者在现场

6. 测试程序仅仅按预期方式运行就行了。N 还要找出规格的疏漏

7. 自底向上集成需要测试员编写驱动程序。Y 自底向上的增值方式是从程序模块结构的最底层模块开始组装和测试。因为模块是自底向上进行组装的,对于一个给定层次的模块,她的子模块已经组装并测试完成,所以不再需要桩模块。

8. 软件测试工具可以代替软件测试员。N 自动化测试不能完全替代手工测试

9. 最重要的用户界面要素是软件符合现行标准和规范。N 易用性

10. 自动化测试可能延误项目进度。Y 可以提高测试效率,当然没实施好的话也会延误

11. 软件测试员可以对产品说明书进行白盒测试。N

12. 静态白盒测试可以找出遗漏之处和问题。y

13. 程序员兼任测试员可以提高工作效率。N 程序员不能测自己的程序

14. 产品说明书(需求文档)的变更应当受到控制。Y 受开发条件实际需求控制

15. 软件开发全过程的测试工作都可以实现自动化。N

16. 找出的软件缺陷越多,说明剩下的软件缺陷越少。N 注意错误群集现象

17. 采用自动化测试有可能延误项目进度。N

18. 测试应从“大规模”开始,逐步转向“小规模”。Y






















1-5 CADAB。6-10ADCDD。11-15DDBCC。16-20ABDBD。21-25AABAC。26-30CDCBC










1. 打开夸克APP;2. 在首页点击“试题库”;3. 在搜索框中输入题目关键词或题目编号进行搜索;4. 点击搜索结果进入题目详情页,查看解析和答案。










Part One:Listening Test Part(共2 0分)


( ) 1. A. name B. game C. am D. alarm

( ) 2. A. baseball B. volleyball C. football D. basketball

( ) 3. A. chair B. where C. spell D. parent

( ) 4. A. these B. those C. they D. he

( ) 5. A. play B. table C. zero D. photo

II. 看图,听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图画。(5分)

1.________ 2.________ 3. ________

4.________ 5.________


( ) 1. A. My name is Bill. B. Nice to meet you. C. His name is Jim.

( ) 2. A..OK. B. Good. C. Thanks

( ) 3. A. That’s all right. B. You are welcome. C.Thank you.

( ) 4. A. That is a book. B. This is a book. C. It’s a book.

( ) 5. A. It’s six. B. It’s seven. C. It’s one

IV.. 听对话,补全对话中所缺的单词。(5分)

M: Let's play baseball.

W: I don't have a baseball.

M: Well. Let's play __1__.

W: That sounds fun. Where's __2__ tennis racket?

M: It's in my backpack. Do you have a tennis racket?

W: No, I don't. I have a __3__ ball and a volleyball. Does your sister have a tennis racket?

M: No, she doesn't. She plays__4__.

W: Then let's play soccer.

M: That sounds 5 .

Part two: Written Test Part(100分)



1. What’s this _____ English?

A. in B. on C. with D. at

2. There is ______ orange and _______ ruler on the desk.

A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an

3. This isn’t ____ quilt. Mine is on that bed.

A. I B. me C. my D. myself

4. Eric and Dale ______my new friends.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

5. What is _______ name?

A. you B. your C. yours D. you’re

6. -- _______! Where is my cup? -- _______, I don’t know.

A. Excuse me, Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Sorry, Yes

7. Please call me_________62783366.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

8. This is a photo _____ John’s family.

A. of B. at C. on D. in

9. Do you have the tennis rackets?

Yes, I______.

A. have B. do C. has D. does

10. My parents like eggs and milk _________ breakfast.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

11. ______ do you spell the word "white"?

It’s W-H-I-T-E, white.

A. What B. Where C. Why D. How

12 “CCTV” is __________.

A.世界卫生组织 B英国广播公司 C中国中央电视台 D 红十字会

13. Sonia _________ a sports collection.

A. has B. have C. having D. to have

14.--What’s his name? ---Tony.

A. last B.first C. and D. family

15. My grandma _______ TV every evening.

A. looks B. looks at C. watches D. sees


(A) 阅读下面一封短信及所给图片,根据短信内容及图片所示,从第16~20小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(5分)

Dear Tommy,

Can you 31 some things 32 school? I need my 33 , my notebook and a pen. My hat is 34 the chair. The notebook is 35 , and my pen is on the table.



( 16. A bring. B. take C. have D. getting

( ) 17. A. in B. a C. to D. of

( ) 18. A. ruler B. hat C. math book D. CDs

( )19. A. on B. under C. near D. next to

( ) 20. A. on the bed B. on the table

C. on the dresser D. on the floor

(B). 对号入座(10分)

( ) 21. Are your keys under the sofa?

( ) 22. Where’s your hat?

( ) 23. What’s under the bed?

( ) 24. Is your ID card on the dresser?

( ) 25. Where are your pencils?

( ) 26. How do you spell your name?

( ) 27. Do you have a soccer?

( ) 28. Let’s play baseball.

( ) 29. Does he have a tennis racket?

( ) 30.Hi, my name is Guo Peng.

a. My baseball.

b. Yes, they are.

c. No, it isn’t.

d. They’re on the table.

e. It’s on the dresser.

f. Hi, I’m Smith.

g. No, he doesn’t.

h. Yes, l do.

i. That sounds fun.

j. J-A-N-E.

III、阅读理解: (共20分,每小题2分)

( A )



Is this your watch?

Please call Paul at 439-6175.


My backpack.

Blue with a duck(鸭)on it.

Please call Linda.



Is this your English-Chinese dictionary?


Under my desk.

Please call Alan at 485-7700.


My school ID card.

My name is Jim.

Please call 465-0921.


Is this your cat(猫)?

It’s white and black.

Please call Gina .Phone #458-3216.


31.If your watch is lost ,you should call­­­ to ask.

A. 439-6175 B. 485-7700 C.458-3216

32.Linda’s is lost.

A. duck B. cat C. blue backpack

33.Alan found(发现)an English-Chinese dictionary .

A. on his desk B. under his desk C. in his desk

34.If you find a school ID card, it may be .

A. Alan’s B. Jim’s C. Paul’s

35. Gina found .

A. a white and black cat B. a blue backpack C. a red dictionary

( B )

Mr. Smith is an English man. He teaches English well. His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him, too. Mr. Smith has two children-Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister, Mary, is four. Tom goes to school but Mary doesn't. Mr. Smith likes wearing a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a baseball match. Sometimes Mr. Smith watches and joins us. He plays baseball just for fun.


36. Mr. Smith is ______.

A. a Chinese teacher B. an English driver

C. a Japanese teacher D. an English teacher

37. How many sons does Mr. Smith have?

A. Only one. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Not many.

38. Mary doesn't go to school because ______.

A. she looks beautiful B. she is seven

C. she is only four D. she doesn't like school

39. ______ is Mr. Smith's favorite sport.

A. Baseball B. Football

C. Running D. Volleyball

40. The story (故事) is about ______.

A. Mr. Smith's son B. Mr. Smith

C. Tom and Mary D. a basketball



V. 根据句意及首字母,填入所缺的单词。(每小题1分,共10分)

1.My name is Sandy Jordan. Sandy is my f name.

2.Carrots, broccoli and tomatoes are v .

3.The colors of national flag(国旗)are red and y .

4.My father and mother are my p .

5.Boys like to play c games.

6.The book is very i .

7.Your brother is a good r .

8.It’s a boy. H name is Tony.

9.I have a s of keys.

10.Mary has an ice c every day.


I’m what’s have yes you let’s don’t my

1. A: Hi! My name’s nick.

B: Hi, Nick! Jane.

A: Nice to meet ,Jane.

B: your last name, Nick?

A: last name is Smith.

2. A: play basketball.

B: I like basketball.

A: Do you a computer game?

B: ,I do.

A: Let’s play computer games!

VII.按要求改写句子:(每 小 题 2分,共10分)

1. That is an English book. (改为复数句子)

English .

2. My phone number is 3760486.(对划线提问)

is your phone number?

3. Is this Lucy’s room? (否定回答)

, .

4.They have three meals. (变为一般疑问句)

they three meals?

5.like, does, Tom, eggs, (?) (连成句子)


VIII: 书面表达:根据表格内容,写一篇60词左右的短文。(10分)

姓名 Tony

性别 男

电话号码 32641589

家庭成员 祖父母、父母和自己

爱好 喜欢和朋友一起踢足球、打网球

小收藏 三个足球,两副网球拍和两副棒球拍

珍爱的物品 一个英式足球



1. game 2. baseball 3. spell 4. they 5. play

II. 看图,听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图画。

1. M: Do you like hamburgers?

W: Yes, I do. I like chicken, too.

2. M: Is this a photo of your friend?

W: No, it isn't. It's a photo of my family.

3. M: Do you have a ping-pong ball?

W: Yes, I do. I have a basketball, too.

4. M: What do you like?

W: I like fruit.

5. M: Where is the map?

W: It's on the wall.


、1. What’s your name ? 2. Ann, sit down, please .

3.Sorry . 4. What’s that ? 5. What’s three and four ?

IV. 听对话,补全对话中所缺的单词。(5分)

M: Let's play baseball.

W: I don't have a baseball.

M: Well. Let's play tennis.

W: That sounds fun. Where's your tennis racket?

M: It's in my backpack. Do you have a tennis racket?

W: No, I don't. I have a soccer ball and a volleyball. Does your sister have a tennis racket?

M: No, she doesn't. She plays volleyball.

W: Then let's play soccer.

M: That sounds good.


I: 1. game 2. baseball 3. spell 4. they 5. play

II: 1--5 B A E C D

III: 1-5 A C A C B

IV:(1. tennis 2. your 3. soccer 4. volleyball 5. good


I: 1 --5 A B C C B 6--10 C C A A D 11--15 D C A B C

II: 16--20 A C B A D

21--25 b e a c d 26--30 j h i g f

III: 31--35 A C B B A 36---40 D A C B B


V: 1、first 2、vegetables 3、yellow 4、parents 5、computer 、6.interesting 7、runner 8、his 9、set 10、cream

VI: 1. I’m you What’s My

2. Let’s don’t have yes

VII: 1.Those are books 2. What 3.No, it isn’t

4.DO have 5.Does Tom like eggs?




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