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关于种植的英语名言? 我爱种植英语作文?

2024-04-01 07:04:53农业知识1


The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.


My favorite plant is sunflower. On my balcony, there are several sunflower plants. In spring, sunflowers come out of the earth, but they are very delicate. But he grew fast. Sunflowers grow silently every day. Waiting for the day of blooming. Bring happiness to people.


My favorite plant is sunflower. On my balcony, there are several sunflower plants. In spring, sunflowers come out of the earth, but they are very delicate. But he grew fast. Sunflowers grow silently every day. Waiting for the day of blooming. Bring happiness to people.


My favorite plant is sunflower. On my balcony, there are several sunflower plants. In spring, sunflowers come out of the earth, but they are very delicate. But he grew fast. Sunflowers grow silently every day. Waiting for the day of blooming. Bring happiness to people.


The quantity of woodland in our planlet is getting lower.we log the trees to make them into papers,chopsticks,etc.Hence,why don't we try to plant more trees?First try to find a moist place and dig a hole that can bury the tree's steem,watering the tree in a cycle method.at the the same time nourish it rationally.Most importantly don't forget to kill the adverse worms from the tree.Ultimately it will blossom successfully





Rice planting


Cover your seed with soil,and water the seed every day ,because it can't water itself!Put it in the sun.Piants need sunshine!Soon the seed will grow into roots and a stem.then it wiil grow leaves.Befor a long,your seed will grow into a plant.


First,dig a hole; 第一,挖个坑;

Second,put the tree into the hole; 第二,把树苗放进坑里;

Third ,put the earth back into the hole; 第三,把土回填进坑里;

Fourth,put down the earth with your feet strongly; 第四,用脚使劲踩土;

Fifth,water the tree.第五,浇上水.




The winter holiday is coming.My classmates are planning to go travelling to some places and have a relax,of whom 15 of my classmates will go to large cities,visiting some museums and places of interest.

10 of my classmates would like to go to smaller cities and taste the delicious food there.The rest 20 of them will go to the countryside,breathing some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature.


《How to plant flowers》

Do you know how to plant a flower? Let me tell you. First, put the flower seeds into the soil. Next, put it in the sun. And add water often. Then, make sure it gets lots of sun. wait for a sprout. At last, wait for a flower to grow. It's very easy, isn't it? Let us plant more and more flowers. Let us make the world more beautiful.




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