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2024-04-02 16:38:54农业知识1


Cherry is a plant, Rosaceae, deciduous trees, flowers and leaves in March with the release or leaves after flowering. Are also the cherry as the name of the album.

Bark purple-brown, smooth and shiny, with horizontal stripes. Flowers and Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate elliptic, margin Mount teeth, apex acute, while glands, surface dark green, shiny, slightly back light.

Stipules lanceolate linear, jagged edge fine crack, crack terminal gland.

Spend each 35, as umbrella inflorescence, sepals at the Standard, petal apex notch, white, red. Flowers and leaves in March with the release or the first flower after the leaves.

The nuclear sphere, first red, then become purple-brown, mature in July. Japan's national flower.



The winter holiday is coming.My classmates are planning to go travelling to some places and have a relax,of whom 15 of my classmates will go to large cities,visiting some museums and places of interest.

10 of my classmates would like to go to smaller cities and taste the delicious food there.The rest 20 of them will go to the countryside,breathing some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature.


《How to plant flowers》

Do you know how to plant a flower? Let me tell you. First, put the flower seeds into the soil. Next, put it in the sun. And add water often. Then, make sure it gets lots of sun. wait for a sprout. At last, wait for a flower to grow. It's very easy, isn't it? Let us plant more and more flowers. Let us make the world more beautiful.





Tree planting is the most popular Earth Day event and one of the most common activities people associate with helping the Earth. Millions of trees are planted by Canadians each year. Planting is an act of putting down roots and contributing to the future. The simple act of planting a tree, helps the environment in so many ways.


In my memorey,there are a lot of happy things.The most happy thing in my monorey is I play chess with my classmates after class.

After my teacher go out of the class,I quickly put my chess block on my desk.Soon,my friends came towards me.I played very well so that they couldn't defeat me.We sitted,and started to play.We talked and laughed,even didn't see my English teach come into my class.We had to go back to class,but we promised that we would play next time

This is the most happy thing in my monorey.I will never forget it.Because I put my childhood in it.


Yesterday we went to Happiness Nursing House to help the old people.

When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the old people. First we introduced ourselves. Then we were packing Zhongzi together with the old, talking and laughing. After lunch, we performed and sang songs with them happily. Finally all the old people said goodbye to us at the gate.

At the end of the day, we were very happy because we did a good deed. I think it necessary for us teenagers to learn how to respect and take care of the others, especially, the old . It is also a tradional virtue to help the old


  Last holiday I went to Beijing with my father.

  As we all knowBeijing is the capital of our countryand ther are many places of interest there.

  We went to the Great Wall first. Oh my god! I can hardly describe it! It's so longand it's really great! I neally couldn't imagine how it built!I took a lot of photos there. It's unforgettable.

  And then we visited the Tian'an Men Squarealsowe had fun there.This trip in Beijing let me fell the excellent things in our country.

  I'll never forget this trip! I want to go there again!







We are not alone in this universe, I believe there's another live in another planet, their technology may be much better than us, they might look different, more legs, more hands, they might came to visit us, hopefully one day when we have gained so much technology and found right way, we can go to their planet or meet them somewhere. As scientists know more, they will give us extra answers, we are not alone in universe.


I think green life is exercise, healthy food and being happy every day.


Life on the Internet can be both interesting and harmful.We can have easy access to various games videos and entertainment. Sometimes it offers a good place for us to escape real trouble. However it also plays a negat role. We are isolated from physical world once we are?logged onw it. Remember the best way to solve problems is to face them directly.

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