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2023-05-08 17:12:22农业知识1
<h2>一、英语四级真题及答案?</h2><p>1.The woman found herself in a wrong place.</p><p>2.The woman is the manager&#39;s business associate.</p><p>3.The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.</p><p>4.The woman is the manager&#39;s secretary.</p><p>5.They need more time for the report.</p><p>6.They need help to interpret the data.</p><h2>二、2014年四级真题及答案?</h2><p>1.He has not cleared the apartment since his mother&#39;s visit.</p><p>2.They might as well take the next bus.</p><p>3.She has to do extra work for a few days.</p><p>4.He failed to do what he promised to do.</p><p>5.The woman does not like horror films.</p><p>6.The speakers share a common view on love.</p><h2>三、历年申论真题及答案?</h2><p>可以通过以下方式获得申论真题及答案:</p><p>(1)下载一个公考类软件,在题库里查询历年申论真题和答案,可以下载打印,做完题,可以通过文字和视频解析进行分析学习,很好的学习平台,有助于学习整理;</p><p>(2)可以在网上直接搜索,输入想要找的真题年份,都可以找到。</p><h2>四、2019四级英语真题及答案解析?</h2><p>1.A wandering cow was captured by the police.</p><p>2.Some tourists were injured by a wandering cow.</p><p>3.It is a starting online exhibition.</p><p>4.A collection of birds fossils from Austrelia.</p><p>5.Some ancient wall paintings from Australia.</p><p>6.Photograshs of certain rare fossil enhibits.</p><h2>五、20年四级英语真题及答案?</h2><p>1.Resturants should calculate the tips for customers.</p><p>2.Customers should pay more tips to help improve service.</p><p>3.Waiters deserve better than just relying on tips for a living.</p><p>4.Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.</p><p>5.slightly.</p><h2>六、哪里可以看四级真题及答案</h2><p>以前考过的四六级真题以及答案的话,可以上网搜索一下。不过大部分这种整理都是辅导机构或者教辅出品机构会做的事情。</p><p>没有在网上找到的话,可以去某宝,某东上或者拼夕夕上找四六级辅导资料,直接询问客服这些资料里有没有四六级真题就好。</p><h2>七、行测判断真题及答案?</h2><p>公务员考试分为行测和申论两大类,其中行测满分一百分,同样的申论满分也是一百分。对于行测判断的真题和答案,你可以在书店购买出版的考试题,找到行测判断这一科目就能够看到真题和答案了,或者是你在公考软件上都能够找到历年的公务员考试行测中判断题的真题和答案。</p><h2>八、2016年四级真题及答案6月?</h2><p>1.Rising unemployment worldwide.</p><p>2.Few countries have realized the seriousness of the current crisis.</p><p>3.Put calorie information on the menu.</p><p>4.They will be fined.</p><p>5.Faliure to integrate innovation into their business.</p><p>6.It is the creation of something new.</p><h2>九、2021年四级12月真题及答案?</h2><p>1.To enable tourists to visit Goat Island.</p><p>2.Millions of coins on the bottom.</p><p>3.It shut down two border crossings with Libya.</p><p>4.Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian</p><p>border with Libya.</p><p>5.A plant-powered mobile phone charger.</p><p>6.While sitting in the courtyard.</p><h2>十、2019年英语四级真题及答案?</h2><p>1.An extended lifespan in the future will allow people to have more careers than now.</p><p>2.Because of their longer lifespan,young people today no longer follow the pattern of life of their parents or grandparents.</p><p>3.Extending one&#39;s career have positive effects.</p>

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