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2023-04-28 00:12:03工业1
<h2>一、工业革命时期中国的发明?</h2><p><p >公元1754年到公元1856年 我们划为第一次工业革命时期!对应中世纪的公元759年到公元1025年!对应上古公元前1847年到公元前1151年!</p><p >公元1856年到公元1941年,为第二次工业革命时期!对应中世纪公元1025年到公元1247年!对应上古公元前1151年到公元前570年!</p><p >公元1941年到公元2012年,为第三次工业革命时期!对应中世纪公元1247年到公元1432年!对应上古公元前570年到公元前85年!</p><p >第一次工业革命时期,中国实现了人口的翻番,这对农业国来说,是了不起的成绩!</p><p >对应中世纪欧洲对中国的追赶,成绩单是欧洲在公元759年到公元1025年,仅仅只有农业有了起色,从而人口止跌为增!中国从公元759年到1025年,发生了中世纪最大的生产变革,并且初步繁荣!上古公元前1847年到公元前1151年!中国夏商时期虽然没有铁器,但青铜器技术还是有了飞速发展,人口有了增长!</p><p >第二次工业革命时期,公元1856年到公元1941年,西方普遍成为工业国,中国经历了一步步的半殖民化到大半个中国被日本占领!中国也广泛的学习了西方文明!已经不是封建王朝了充满了积极因素和进步力量!</p><p >中世纪的欧洲,人口明显增长,城市复苏,并且在十字军东征时代和东方接触大量的吸收东方的文明!东西方的经济商贸联系也大大加强!上古公元前1151年到公元前570年!商朝灭亡,周朝盛极而衰,稀疏的有了最初的铁器!</p><p >第三次工业革命的公元1941年,到公元2012年,西方发达国家继续发展繁荣!中国起步就实现了社会形态的变化,迅速追赶西方,终成全世界第一工业大国!但生产效率还有差距!</p><p >中世纪欧洲的公元1247年到公元1432年!起步就开始了文艺复兴和产生了资本主义萌芽!农业和人口几经波折,但工商业制度和效率却大大提高,资本主义萌芽也有了气候!君主制民族国家兴起!和1432年七下西洋的明朝,在生产水平上还有一定差距!</p><p >上古的公元前570年到公元前85年的中国,一起步就进入封建起始阶段的战国时期,生铁冶炼技术的发明,使得铁器革命轰轰烈烈开展起来,各国变法你追我赶,最终秦国商鞅变法最彻底最成功,后秦统一全国,推广郡县制,到汉武帝时,中国已经成为强大的农业国,工商业逊色于罗马帝国!</p><p >通过,上古铁器革命,落后者东方对西方的追赶</p><p >中古,城市和四大发明革命,西方对东方的追赶!</p><p >近现代,工业革命,中国对西方的追赶!</p><p >可以总结出,在第一阶段,后进者往往只是在传统方式中实现传统的繁荣!是有代差的!</p><p >第二阶段,是有所接触新生产力的,社会形态出现巨大的松动!</p><p >第三阶段,起点于更高的社会形态,持续的追赶,并在新生产力的量上持平!</p><p >未来的第四次工业革命时期就是实现生产效率超越的时间了!也是最后一次作为追赶者了!</p></p><h2>二、第四次工业革命英语作文?</h2><p>第四次工业革命</p><p>the fourth industrial revolution</p><p>网络由此被认为是人类史上的第四次工业革命。</p><p>Then, Internet is thought to be the 4-th industry evolutionary of history of mankind.</p><h2>三、中国奇迹英语作文?</h2><p>As we all know, the Great Wall is a great building, I am proud of the Great Wall.</p><p>First, the Great Wall two thousand years of history; It is located in northern China. East from Shanhaiguan, west to Jiayuguan, total length of 8851.8 km.</p><p>Second, the Great Wall is China&#39;s ancient people created one of the great miracles on behalf of China&#39;s long history.</p><p>Third, in the past, the Great Wall was built to withstand enemy attack on the; Today, the Great Wall has become a popular tourist attraction, which every year attracts many tourists from around the world.</p><h2>四、中国起源英语作文?</h2><p>China originated from the Chinese civilization. The word "China" first appeared in the bronze inscription "he Zun" in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, which said "Yu Qi Zhai was in China and created the people from it". At the same time, it also appeared as "Huaxia", "Zhonghua", "Zhongxia", "Zhongyuan", "Zhuxia", "Zhuhua", "Shenzhou", "Jiuzhou" and "Hainei".</p><p>The word "Huaxia" was first found in the book of Shang, ZhouShu and Wucheng of the Zhou Dynasty. "The book of songs" says: "the crown dress is China, and the great power is summer.".</p><h2>五、中国新年英语作文?</h2><p>The New Year, the first day of the year, is a popular holiday in most countries in the world.</p><p> Modern China calls "New Year&#39;s Day" the Gregorian New Year and "Spring Festival" the Lunar New Year. </p><p>That is, the Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar new year, commonly known as the Spring Festival, New Year&#39;s Eve, New Year&#39;s Eve, etc., which is also called the Chinese New Year and New Year&#39;s Eve verbally.</p><h2>六、工业革命时期英国童工的启示?</h2><p>工业革命时期英国资本家为榨取高额利润,大量使用童工。劳动强度大、工资低、事故多。这是血泪史,这是教训。应加强劳动立法,禁止使用童工。保护好儿童的权益。</p><h2>七、中国自然奇观的英语作文?</h2><p>As we all know, the Great Wall is a great building, I am proud of the Great Wall.</p><p>First, the Great Wall two thousand years of history; It is located in northern China. East from Shanhaiguan, west to Jiayuguan, total length of 8851.8 km.</p><p>Second, the Great Wall is China's ancient people created one of the great miracles on behalf of China's long history.</p><p>Third, in the past, the Great Wall was built to withstand enemy attack on the; Today, the Great Wall has become a popular tourist attraction, which every year attracts many tourists from around the world.</p><h2>八、中国节气的英语作文?</h2><p>首先介绍中国有24个节气,然后再逐个介绍每一个节气</p><h2>九、介绍中国成就的英语作文?</h2><p>写一篇关于介绍中国成就的英语作文,我们可以去写中国的飞跃发展比如港珠澳大桥、天眼还有航母等</p><h2>十、中国最好的城市英语作文?</h2><p>I&#39;d like to tell you what Shenzhen is like.</p><p>Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies next to Hong Kong.Shenzhen is very young and beautiful,too.There are many scenic spots here,for example,there are two famous beaches,named Da Meisha and Xiao Meisha.People always go swimming there.There are also a lot of mountain parks here like Lianhua Park and Bao&#39;an Park,they are covered with green tall trees,grass and colorful flowers.</p><p>Welcome to Shenzhen when you are free!</p>

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