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What is the English Name for the Refrigerator Freezer?

2024-04-24 07:23:19资讯中心1


Refrigerators are an essential part of our daily lives, helping us to keep our food fresh and cool. They consist of different compartments, including the refrigerator and the freezer. In this article, we will explore the English name for the freezer compartment in a refrigerator, commonly known as the "冷藏库" in Chinese.

The Freezer Compartment

The freezer compartment in a refrigerator is the area where you store frozen food. It is designed to keep the temperature below freezing point, typically around -18 degrees Celsius. This low temperature helps to preserve the quality and freshness of food items over a longer period.

English Name for the Freezer Compartment

In English, the freezer compartment is commonly referred to as the "freezer." The word "freezer" is derived from the verb "freeze," which means to convert a liquid into a solid by lowering its temperature.

The freezer compartment is usually located at the top or bottom of the refrigerator, separated from the refrigerator section by a door. It may also have its own temperature control settings to adjust the freezing temperature according to your needs.

Benefits of the Freezer Compartment

The freezer compartment offers several benefits:

  • Food Preservation: It allows you to freeze perishable items, such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables, to extend their shelf life.
  • Convenience: It enables you to store pre-prepared meals, leftovers, and bulk food purchases for future use.
  • Ice Making: Many freezers have an ice maker function, providing you with a constant supply of ice cubes for drinks and other purposes.

Tips for Using the Freezer Compartment

To make the most of your freezer compartment, consider the following tips:

  • Proper Organization: Arrange your frozen items in an organized manner, labeling and dating them to keep track of their freshness.
  • Frequent Defrosting: Regularly defrost your freezer to maintain its efficiency and prevent ice buildup.
  • Temperature Control: Set the freezing temperature according to the type of food you are storing. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidelines.


The freezer compartment in a refrigerator is called the "freezer" in English. It provides a convenient way to preserve and store frozen food items. By properly utilizing the freezer compartment and following some basic tips, you can extend the shelf life of your food and enjoy its freshness for a longer time. Thank you for reading!

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