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2023-03-11 23:55:05资讯中心1
<h2>1. 京剧配英文的歌</h2><p>Mary is my best friend . She is 14 years old ,and from the U.K . She is very like Beijing Opera .</p><p>Today,she goes to Beijing Opera Movie theatre . Mary doesn't know how to buy ticket . She asked a well-wisher ,and finally, under the help of Teacher Wang get the ticket .Marie thanked her very much.She thinks that Wang is a good person. </p><h2>2. 京剧配英文的歌有哪些</h2><p>Since I took the Peking Opera class.I know what Beijing Opera is.Beijing opera is the most influential opera in China.The first batch of national intangible cultural heritage</p><h2>3. 京剧英语歌曲</h2><p><p >character roles in Beijing Opera:</p><p>1. sheng(male roles): (1) laosheng(middle-aged or old men)</p><p>(2) xiaosheng(young men)</p><p>(3) wusheng(men with martial skills)</p><p>2. dan(female roles): (1) qingyi (a woman with a strict moral code)</p><p>(2) laodan( an elderly woman)</p><p>3. jing(roles with painted faces): (1)wenjing(civilian type)</p><p>(2)wujing(warrior type)</p><p>4.chou or clown (a comic character ): (1)wenchou(civilian clown)</p><p>(2)wuchou(clown with martial skills)</p></p><h2>4. 京剧加英文歌</h2><p>说一首这久在听的一首歌if you feel my love京剧版,一开始听很奇怪,为啥一首英文歌会混杂京剧,听过几遍才觉得京剧和英语兼职完美契合,再一看京剧出自经典的铡美案,而歌中京剧原唱则为京剧大师梅葆玖,梅兰芳的第九子,很惭愧用这样的方式认识国粹京剧大师还有如此与时俱进的唱法,建议楼主可以去听一听。 </p><h2>5. 一首带京剧的英文歌</h2><p>王冠红人馆开场的音乐一般的音乐软件都可以搜到。但是由于不同软件,其公司对歌曲版权的拥有都不一样,所以有的软件可能要VIP。王冠红人馆的主持人上场的音乐是&nbsp;零点月队的《相信自己》。王冠红人馆周末开场京剧和一首英文歌曲混合的歌曲是周慧敏的《红颜知己》,电视剧刀马旦片头曲。王冠红人馆邵逸夫片花插曲,其中香港粤语是《男儿无泪》。</p><p>王冠红人馆开场的两首英文歌是</p><p>1. 《Empire&nbsp;State&nbsp;Of&nbsp;Mind》</p><p>2. 《I&#39;m&nbsp;Alive》</p><h2>6. 京剧用英文唱</h2><p>京剧,Beijing Opera</p><p>1)Beijing Opera京剧</p><p>1.On The Manifestation Of Metonymy In The Performance Stylization,Make-Up And Costume Design Of Beijing Opera;论转喻性思维在京剧艺术语言中的表现</p><p>2.Comparative Analysis On Tones Of Yunbai In Kun Opera And Beijing Opera;昆剧与京剧韵白声调的比较分析</p><p>英文短句/例句</p><p>1.Beijing Opera Can Be Divided Into @Civil@ Pieces,京剧分为“文戏”,</p><p>2.Here In Beijing I Have Attended Jingju Performances.在北京,我看了京剧。</p><p>3.Its Repertoire Includes Historical Plays, Comedies, Tragedies And Farces.京剧的曲目包括历史剧、喜剧、悲剧和笑剧。</p><p>4.Henan Opera Is More Ancient Than The Peking Opera.豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。</p><p>5.But I Heard That Peking Opera Is Very Difficult To Understand.但我听说京剧非常难懂。</p><p>6.He Assumed A Posture And Began To Sing A Part In A Beijing Opera.他拉开架子, 唱起了京剧。</p><p>7.This Is What We Call Modern Beijing Opera.你听的是现代京剧。</p><p>8.I Like Your Beijing Opera Very Much.我很喜欢你们的京剧。</p><p>9.How Do You Like The Beijing Opera?你觉得京剧怎么样?</p><p>10.Do You Share My Interest In Peking Opera?你也对京剧感兴趣吗?</p><p>11.I'm Extremely Interested In Beijing Opera.我对京剧极感兴趣?</p><p>12.How About Watching Peking Opera Then?那么去看京剧好吗?</p><p>13.Yes, I Like Beijing Opera Very Much,是的,我也很喜欢京剧,</p><p>14.How About Beijing Opera And Documentaries?京剧片和纪录片呢?</p><p>15.Terrific. Beijing Opera Is So Attractive.好极了,京剧真是吸引人。</p><p>16.There Is A Peking Opera At 7:30 P.M. Tonight.今晚7点半有一场京剧,</p><p>17.I've Been Wanting To See A Peking Opera,我一直很想去看京剧,</p><p>18.He's An Initiator Of Beijing Opera Reform.他是京剧改革的倡导者。</p><p>相关短句/例句</p><p>Peking Opera京剧</p><p>1.A Discussion Of The Dancing And Martial Arts Of Peking Opera In An Aesthetic Way;用舞蹈审美的方式谈谈京剧中的做、打艺术</p><p>2.The Mixture Of The Manchus Folk Music And Peking Opera;满族民间音乐与京剧音乐交融</p><p>3)Beijing Opera And Opera京剧与歌剧</p><p>4)Beijing Opera As National Theater京剧国剧说</p><p>5)"Beijing-Accent" Drama"京味"戏剧</p><p>6)Peking Opera Actress京剧女伶</p><p>1.Peking Opera Actress Originated In Shanghai,Whose Appearance On The Stage Was The Great Achievement Of The Women Emancipation Of Shanghai In Late Qing Dyn</p>

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