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2023-04-28 22:11:29资讯中心2
<h2>1. 我的冰箱怎么说</h2><p>如果问冰箱170升是说身高吗?</p><p>回答应该是,当然说的不是身高。这是因为问题前面说的很清楚,这是一台170升的冰箱,就是说,它用的是容量单位升,并不是长度单位米、厘米。如果是说身高,它就会说是170厘米。所谓升是容量单位,并不是长度单位。</p><h2>2. 我的冰箱怎么说英文</h2><p>There&#39;s a big fridge in my home. It was bought two years ago. It&#39;s made of medel and looks nice. It has two doors and can hold lot of things.It is very useful</p><h2>3. 我的冰箱怎么说用英语</h2><p>In my home, there are so many household appliances, he gives us life convenient. But I like the refrigerator or home, it not only good looks, and many functions.</p><p>&#34;In&#34; the refrigerator, like a coat milky white angel, firmly stand in the corner. Give a person with elegant and pure and fresh feeling. He is a head taller than me! At the top of the refrigerator to a row of small lights, red, yellow, green can be beautiful. These small lights not good-looking, its function is quite big, red and yellow lights unit, a green light means that heat preservation. Do you want to know what kind of situation, a lantern.</p><p>The refrigerator, and I have a little story! It is a hot summer, I just bought two ice cream in the fridge, to that point to ice ice cream tasty! After an hour, I opened the refrigerator, not startled! The ice melted inside, the flow of water, a beach, and see that two ice cream, full, I very sad. A refrigerator is broken? I took my question to mom and dad, mom to impatiently say: &#34;if the refrigerator is broken, those who bought the vegetables before long will spoil!&#34; &#34;Yeah! It can do?&#34; Dad is anxiously around, suddenly saw a refrigerator, dad, the power plug is suddenly enlighted, smiled and said: &#34;you see, how also lost plugs line! We must carefully point!&#34; My mother and I are relieved to their own &#34;jobs&#34;, their mother in the kitchen to play her father to sit in sofa symphony, the son, and my newspaper, watch TV back lazily.</p><p>A refrigerator, bring us in my home, there are so many household appliances, he gives us life convenient. But I like the refrigerator or home, it not only good looks, and many functions.</p><p>&#34;In&#34; the refrigerator, like a coat milky white angel, firmly stand in the corner. Give a person with elegant and pure and fresh feeling. He is a head taller than me! At the top of the refrigerator to a row of small lights, red, yellow, green can be beautiful. These small lights not good-looking, its function is quite big, red and yellow lights unit, a green light means that heat preservation. Do you want to know what kind of situation, a lantern.</p><p>The refrigerator, and I have a little story! It is a hot summer, I just bought two ice cream in the fridge, to that point to ice ice cream tasty! After an hour, I opened the refrigerator, not startled! The ice melted inside, the flow of water, a beach, and see that two ice cream, full, I very sad. A refrigerator is broken? I took my question to mom and dad, mom to impatiently say: &#34;if the refrigerator is broken, those who bought the vegetables before long will spoil!&#34; &#34;Yeah! It can do?&#34; Dad is anxiously around, suddenly saw a refrigerator, dad, the power plug is suddenly enlighted, smiled and said: &#34;you see, how also lost plugs line! We must carefully point!&#34; My mother and I are relieved to their own &#34;jobs&#34;, their mother in the kitchen to play her father to sit in sofa symphony, the son, and my newspaper, watch TV back lazily.</p><h2>4. 我的冰箱英文怎么写</h2><p >refrigerator是一个名词,它的意思是:冰箱,冷藏库,制冷机。</p><p>refrigerator的形容词形式是:refrigerant,意思时: 制冷的,冷却的 。</p><p>例句: Calculation Model Based on Improved BP Network of Refrigerant State Parameters。基于改进BP神经网络的制冷剂状态参数计算模型</p><h2>5. 的英语怎么写冰箱</h2><p>fridge[英] [frɪdʒ][美] [frɪdʒ]n.电冰箱; 冷冻机;[例句]Eggs shouldn't be kept in the fridge, it's too cold鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度太低了。[复数]fridges </p><h2>6. 我的冰箱怎么说英语</h2><p>fridge,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“电冰箱”。</p><p>1、冰箱的起源:</p><p>1822年,英国著名科学巨匠法拉第发现了二氧化碳、氨、氯等气体在加压的条件下会变成液体,压力降低时又会变成气体的现象。由液体变为气体的过程中会大量吸收热量,使周围的温度迅速下降。法拉第的这一发现为后人发明压缩机等人工制冷技术提供了理论基础。</p><p>1834年,美国工程师雅各布•帕金斯发明了世界上第一台压缩式制冷装置,这是现代压缩式制冷系统的雏形。同年,帕金斯获得英国颁布的第一个冷冻器专利。</p><p>1851年,第一台人工制冷压缩机诞生,是由澳大利亚《基朗广告报》的老板哈里森发明的。哈里森在一次用醚清洗铅字时,发现醚涂在金属上有强烈的冷却作用。哈里森经过研究制出了使用乙醚和压力泵的冷冻机,并把它应用在澳大利亚维多利亚的一家酿酒厂,供酿酒时制冷降温用。</p><p>1873年,德国化学家、工程师卡尔.冯.林德发明了以氨为制冷剂的冷冻机。林德首先将他的发明用于威斯巴登市的塞杜马尔酿酒厂,设计制造了一台工业用冰箱。</p><p>1879年,卡尔.冯.林德把工业用冰箱加以改进,使之小型化,制造出了世界上第一台人工制冷的家用冰箱。这种蒸汽动力的冰箱很快就投入了生产,到1891年,已在德国和美国售出了12000台。</p><p>1910年,世界上第一台压缩式制冷的家用冰箱在美国问世。</p><p>1918年,美国KE-LVZNATOR公司的科伯兰特工程师设计制造了世界上第一台机械制冷式的家用自动电冰箱。这种电冰箱粗陋笨重,外壳是木制的,压缩机采用水冷,噪声很大。但是,它的诞生宣告了家用电冰箱的发展进入了新阶段。</p><p>1923年,一台用电动机带动压缩机工作的冰箱是由瑞典工程师布莱顿和孟德斯发明的。</p><p>1927年,美国通用电气公司研制成功全封闭式冰箱。</p><p>1930年,采用不同加热方式的空气冷却连续扩散吸收式冰箱投放市场。这是一台适用于现代家庭居室的微型冰箱,在此之前,所有的冰箱机型均为独立式。</p><p>1931年,新型制冷剂氟利昂12研制成功,实现 了人们期待已久的技术突破,并在工业上广泛使用。于是,越来越多的厂家开始讲冰箱作为他们重点发展的产业。</p><p>1963年,伊莱克斯研发了全球第一台冷藏冷冻室冰箱,使得冰箱跃上了一层新的台阶,而这一样式亦成为日后几十年冰箱的标准配置。</p><p>1993年,伊莱克斯推出了世界上第一批无氟冰箱,这也成为了业内一个里程碑式的标志。</p><p>2、冰箱的发展:</p><p>17世纪中期,“冰箱”这个词才进入了美国语言,在那之前,冰箱只是影响到美国普通市民的饮食。随着城市的发展,冰的买卖也逐渐发展起来。它渐渐地被旅馆、酒店、医院以及一些有眼光的城市商人用于肉、鱼和黄油的保鲜。</p><p>内战(1861-1865)之后,冰被用于冷藏货车,同时也进入了民用。 到1880年以前, 已经有半数在纽约、费城和巴尔的摩销售的冰箱, 三分之一在波士顿和芝加哥销售的冰箱开始进入家庭使用,因为一种新的家庭设备——冰箱——即现代冰箱的前身,被发明了。同类产品还有冰柜。</p><p>制造一台有效率的冰箱不像我们想象得那么简单。19世纪早期,发明家们关于对冷藏科学至关重要的热物理知识的了解是很浅陋的。人们认为最好的冰箱应该防止冰的融化,而这样一个在当时非常普遍的观点显然是错误的,因为正是冰的融化起到了制冷作用</p><p>早期人们为保存冰而作出了大量的努力,包括用毯子把冰包起来,使得冰不能发挥它的作用。直到近19世纪末,发明家们才成功地找到有效率的冰箱所需要的隔热和循环的精确平衡。</p><p>冰箱的原理:</p><p>1、压缩式电冰箱:该种电冰箱由电动机提供机械能,通过压缩机对制冷系统作功。制冷系统利用低沸点的制冷剂,蒸发汽化时吸收热量的原理制成的。</p><p>2、吸收式电冰箱:该种电冰箱可以利用热源(如煤气、煤油、电等)作为动力。利用氨-水-氢混合溶液在连续吸收-扩散过程中达到制冷的目的。其缺点是效率低,降温慢,现已逐渐被淘汰。</p><p>3、半导体电冰箱:它是利用对PN型半导体,通以直流电,在结点上产生珀尔帖效应的原理来实现制冷的电冰箱。</p><p>4、化学冰箱:它是利用某些化学物质溶解于水时强烈吸热而获得制冷效果的冰箱。</p><p>5、电磁振动式冰箱:它是用电磁振动机作本动力来驱动压缩机的冰箱。其原理、结构与压缩式电冰箱基本相同。</p><h2>7. 我的冰箱的英文</h2><p>fridge,一般全称为refrigerator。</p><p>【读音】</p><p>英:[frid3] 美:[frid3]</p><p>【释义】</p><p>n.电冰箱,冰冻机,冷藏室,冰箱门</p><p>v.摩擦,磨损</p><p>【例句】</p><p>She can mend the fridge by herself</p><p>她能自己修理冰箱。</p><p>The butter will soften out of the fridge</p><p>黄油从冰箱取出来会变软。</p><p>It can be anything : spoiled milk form the back of your fridge right down to tar and feathers.</p><p>它可以是任何玩意儿: 从你冰箱后面那些变质的牛奶到沥青和羽毛。</p>

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