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2023-06-14 22:22:30资讯中心1
<h2>1. 英语介绍冰箱500字</h2><p>fridge,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“电冰箱”。</p><p>中文名</p><p>电冰箱</p><p>外文名</p><p>fridge</p><p>英式读音</p><p>[frɪdʒ]</p><p>美式读音</p><p>[frɪdʒ]</p><p>词性</p><p>名词</p><h2>2. 英文介绍冰箱</h2><p>Fridge is very useful for us now. Since fridge invented, we don&#39;t have to throw away unfinished food, we can put them in fridge for future use. I understand that will cost some electricity, but it worth, it helps us a lot. </p><h2>3. 介绍冰箱的英文作文</h2><p>读法:[rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪtə] </p><p>单词写法:refrigerator</p><p>例句:</p><p>1、She traded in her old refrigerator for a new one. </p><p>她以旧冰箱折价添钱买了一台新冰箱。</p><p>2、Take the beef out of the refrigerator to defrost. </p><p>把牛肉从冰箱里拿出来解冻。</p><p>3、My refrigerator suddenly started kicking up yesterday. </p><p>我的冰箱昨晚突然出了故障。</p><p>4、The minute Tom came home he beelined for the refrigerator. </p><p>汤姆一回到家就直奔冰箱而来。</p><p>5、Because the office refrigerator is unowned by any individual, no one feels responsibility to take care of it, and certainly no one wants to take time out of his or her busy workday to do so. </p><p>办公室里的冰箱因为不属于任何一个个人,没有人觉得自己有责任去管理或者照顾它,当然也没人在繁忙的工作时间抽出时间去做那些事情。</p><h2>4. 用英语介绍冰箱里的食物图片</h2><p>Look! there&#39;s a refrigerator.Let&#39;s open it and have a look!</p><p>EMM…There are two layers in this refrigerator. The first layer is filled with bottled milk, soy sauce and so on.As for the second layer, it contains ice cream, meat and so on.</p><h2>5. 关于冰箱的英语作文加翻译</h2><p>I&#39;m saving up for a refrigerator.我在省钱买一台电冰箱。</p><p>There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里有个电冰箱。</p><p>There is a refrigerator in the kichen.厨房里有一只电冰箱。</p><p>Is this a refrigerator or a stove?这是电冰箱还是炉子?</p><p>1It is a refrigerator, it&#39;s hot inside.这是电冰箱,里面很热。</p><h2>6. 介绍冰箱的英语作文50字</h2><p>My family has a gold commander brand refrigerator, it is of white color, height of about 1.65 meters, it has two floors, the first layer is frozen, mother often will be a lot of delicious food in there, the second layer is frozen. As soon as I opened the door, like a wind, like the gas to blow on the face, in the summer time, I often had come back from the supermarket to buy a box of a box of ice cream on the inside, so that it will not melt.</p><h2>7. 冰箱英语作文</h2><p>There are potatoes in the fridge.&nbsp;</p><p>The tomatoes are in the fridge.&nbsp;</p><p>The meat is frozen in the fridge.&nbsp;</p><p>The&nbsp; food is fresh in the fridge.&nbsp;</p><p>I can see a lot of food in my fridge, for example: fresh toast, eggs,eggplant, chicken, milk, juice, watermelon, pepper, cake,ham.&nbsp;</p><h2>8. 英语介绍冰箱500字怎么写</h2><p>电冰箱这个单词可以分为三个部分进行记忆:</p><p>1. 电:表示使用电力或电能;</p><p>2. 冰:表示保持低温或冷藏;</p><p>3. 箱:表示容器或盒子。</p><p>因此,可以将电、冰和箱分开记忆,然后结合起来记忆电冰箱这个词。同时,可以通过形象化的方法来记忆,例如将电冰箱想象成一个可以制冰的盒子,或者想象自己打开电冰箱,感受到从里面传出的冷气。通过反复练习和使用,逐渐形成记忆的习惯。</p><h2>9. 介绍冰箱性能的英语对话</h2><p>fridge,一般全称为refrigerator。</p><p>【读音】</p><p>英:[frid3] 美:[frid3]</p><p>【释义】</p><p>n.电冰箱,冰冻机,冷藏室,冰箱门</p><p>v.摩擦,磨损</p><p>【例句】</p><p>She can mend the fridge by herself</p><p>她能自己修理冰箱。</p><p>The butter will soften out of the fridge</p><p>黄油从冰箱取出来会变软。</p><p>It can be anything : spoiled milk form the back of your fridge right down to tar and feathers.</p><p>它可以是任何玩意儿: 从你冰箱后面那些变质的牛奶到沥青和羽毛。</p><h2>10. 介绍冰箱100字</h2><p>今天,爸爸妈妈买回了一台神奇的电器,夏天把菜放到里面去,就不怕坏掉了,所以每户家庭都会有一台,它就是冰箱。</p><p>  我家的冰箱是长方形的,它高180厘米,宽56厘米,外壳呈银灰色,它有三个门,全部都是深红色的玻璃镜面,门上面还有亮红的花朵,真是漂亮极了。 冰箱上面的门最大,里面的空间也最大,它的功能是冷藏,温度设在5摄氏度,把饭菜放在里面两、三天都不会坏。最下面一个门是冷冻功能,温度设在零下16摄氏度,里面有三个抽屉,把肉类、鱼类等等食品放在里面,可以存放好长时间呢!中间的门最小,有两个抽屉,它是可以调节的,当你需要冷藏时就可以调节到冷藏功能,当你需要冷冻时就可以调节到冷冻功能。</p><p>  每到夏天,妈妈都会给我买一些碎碎冰和一些冰激凌放到冷冻功能的那个门里。放学后,我会美美的吃上一根,透心凉。有时,妈妈也给我做可口的酸梅汤放在冷藏功能的那个门里,喝到嘴里,既清凉又解渴,真是舒服极了! 我爱我家的冰箱!</p>

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