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2023-04-26 16:31:08冷冻知识1
<h2>一、了解文化差异的重要性的英语作文?</h2><p >The Difference Culture Between the East</p><p>and WestMy dream is to study abroad in the</p><p>future.l am always that kind of life can come</p><p>true soon.Butbeforelrealize my dream,lhave</p><p>to do some preparation.l think the most</p><p>important thing I need to do first is to adapt the life there. It is said that there is a big difference</p><p>between the eastern and western culture.lfl</p><p>know nothing, it is easy for me to have culture</p><p>conflict.lt will put me into an embarrass place</p><p>For example,dragon is the leader for all</p><p>animals and it has holy good meaning in china</p><p>But it means violence in the western country.</p><p>need to learn as much the cultural conflicts as</p><p>possible to make my oversea life become</p><p>easier.</p><h2>二、了解防疫知识的重要性?</h2><p>新冠肺炎疫情威胁着人们的健康,疫情防控正处于关键时期。习近平同志指出,“只要坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策,我们就一定能打赢疫情防控阻击战”。科学防控新冠肺炎疫情,需要充分发挥科普的作用,增强疫情防控的科学性和有效性。</p><p>科普在疫情防控中具有重要作用。科普致力于加强科学与社会之间的联系、促进科技惠民,不仅具有重要知识价值、社会价值,还具有重要文化价值。打赢疫情防控阻击战,需要科普工作者结合疫情防控工作实际,向公众提供权威科普知识,解读疫情防控措施,帮助公众正确认识疫情发展态势、掌握疫情防控知识、提高自我防护意识和能力,既减少感染病毒的风险,又避免出现恐慌情绪。因此,相关部门和科研机构应积极参与疫情防控的科普工作,以浅显易懂的语言介绍防护知识、解读疫情最新进展、回应群众关切,为群众提供“定心丸”。例如,国家卫生健康委员会官方微信号“健康中国”及时推送疫情防治政策信息和科普知识,连续刊发“新型冠状病毒科普知识”,满足了公众获取疫情防治科普知识的需求,取得较好效果。应动员更多科普工作者在疫情防控的关键时期及时站出来,普及防护知识,用事实击败讹传,用科学击碎谣言,让理性之光照亮疫情防控之路。</p><p>抓住疫情防控中科普工作的着力点。在疫情防控中进一步加强科普工作、有效发挥科普作用,可以在以下几个方面着力。一是推进科研与科普有效连接。科普与科技发展紧密相关,需要根据科技发展与时俱进,使科普知识迅速体现最新科研成果。新冠肺炎疫情发生后,我国科研机构着力进行病原鉴定、病毒溯源、有效药物及疫苗研发等工作,为一线防控和治疗提供重要科技支撑。这些科研成果既能满足疫情防控需要,又能不断丰富科普内容,增强疫情防控的科学性和有效性。二是打造智能科普。在疫情防控中,新一代信息技术发挥了积极作用。更好开展科普工作,也要善于利用新一代信息技术打造智能科普。在传播载体上,应通过短视频、动漫、3D可视化等载体和手段提升科学的趣味性,进而提升公众科学防护意识和能力。三是让权威科学家做好科普工作。在这次疫情防控中,许多权威科学家不仅奋战在抗击疫情的第一线,还为普及相关科学知识发声。权威科学家就新冠肺炎疫情解疑释惑,起到了稳定人心的重要作用。应继续发挥权威科学家的作用,做好相关科普工作。</p><p>让“科普之翼”更加有力。这次疫情防控充分说明,加强科普工作是经济社会发展中的一个重大课题。习近平同志指出:“科技创新、科学普及是实现创新发展的两翼,要把科学普及放在与科技创新同等重要的位置。”这一重要论断为加强科普工作指明了方向。当前,我国科普投入以政府投入为主,科普人才还不充足,科普宣传与新媒体的结合还不紧密,这些问题都影响着我国科普工作的推进。发达国家通常采取“费用分担”的资助方式,以“种子资金”引导和吸引社会资本支持科普事业,推动科普投入多样化,这一做法值得我们借鉴。为了培养科普人才,应通过政府与市场相结合、官方与民间相结合、培养与培训相结合、专职与兼职相结合、在职与退休相结合,创新培养机制,构建科普人才培养体系,为科普事业发展提供人力资源基础。此外,还要注重构建“互联网 科普”模式,推出更多有知、有用、有趣的科普作品。</p><h2>三、了解英语怎么写?</h2><p>know英 [nəʊ] 美 [no] vt. 知道;认识;懂得vi. 了解;熟悉;确信短语know about 了解 ; 知道…的情况 ; 知道有关于 ; 知道know better 明事理 ; 有头脑 ; 有不止如此的了解 ; 大街上踢足球To know 都知道这事 ; 了解 ; 知道 ; 要知道扩展资料同近义词1、understand英 [ʌndə'stænd] 美 ['ʌndɚ'stænd] vt. 理解;懂;获悉;推断;省略;明白vi. 理解;懂得;熟悉短语But understand 但你必须了解 ; 但你要明白 ; 但你必需相识 ; 但是understand tacitly 心领神会We Understand 我们理解 ; 就我们了解 ; 我们可以明白 ; 理解我们2、realize英 [ˈrɪəlaɪz] 美 [ˈriəˌlaɪz] vt. 实现;认识到;了解;将某物卖得,把(证券等)变成现钱;变卖短语realize on 变卖产业 ; 从…赚得Realize Model 实现模型Surface Realize 表层生成 </p><h2>四、知识更新的重要性的作文?</h2><p>只有知识更新了,产品质量才能提高,才能跟上时代的发展,才能与时俱进。</p><h2>五、写作的重要性写一篇英语作文?</h2><p>  As is known to all, writing is an important andnecessary skill for all students. However, many students don’t reallyunderstand the true importance of writing, as they just consider writing as atask of exam. As far as I am concerned, writing has deeper importance in manyways.   众所周知,写作对所有的学生来说是一项重要和必要的技能。但是,很多学生没有真正明白写作的重要性,因为他们只把写作当做是考试的一项任务。在我看来,写作在很多方面更重要。   Firstly, improving our ability of using words is abasic function of writing. For example, in order to write a good Englishcomposition, we must use every word carefully as much as possible to ensure itscorrectness. In the process, we have improved our ability of using words andwriting skills imperceptibly. In this aspect, writing is a good way tostrengthen our ability.   首先,提高我们用词能力是写作的一个基本功能。例如,为了写好一篇英语作文,我们必须极可能谨慎使用每一个词以确保文章的正确性。在这个过程中,我们不知不觉地提高了我们用词能力和写作技巧。从这一方面来看,写作是加强能力的一个好方法。   Moreover, writing is an effective way to enlarge ourvocabulary. Different compositions we write need different vocabularies.Therefore, the more compositions we write, the more vocabularies we get. At thesame time, it is helpful to enlarge our reading.   其次,写作是扩展我们的词汇量的有效方法。我们所写的不同作文需要不同的词汇。所以,我们写得越多,我们就掌握越多的词汇。同时,这也有助于我们扩大阅读量。   And last but not the least, writing makes greatcontribution to our logical thinking and analysis ability. For one thing, towrite a good composition, we must collect and arrange writing materialssystematically so that we can show off what is essential and what is not soimportant. In the process of dealing with materials, we are also learning toanalyze and deal with the different problems. For another, it is also a processto practice our own thinking ability and form different thoughts. By dealing withall kinds of compositions, we can get in touch with more thoughts and becomewiser.   最后但不是最不重要的一点,写作对我们的逻辑思维和分析能力很有帮助。一方面,为了写好一篇作文,我们必须系统地收集和整理写作材料以便能够掌握什么事必要的,什么又不是那么重要的。在处理材料的过程中,我们也学会分析和处理不同问题。另一方面,这也是一个锻炼我们思考能力和形成不同思维的过程。通过处理各种各样的作文,我们可以接触到更多的想法从而变得更理智。   In a word, writing is an important skill, especiallyfor language learners. Thus, we should improve our writing ability as much aspossible to improve our overall levels.   总之,写作是一项重要的技能,特别是对语言学习者。因此,我们应该尽可能提高我们的学做能力以提高我们各方面水平。</p><h2>六、食品专业英语的重要性?</h2><p>食品专业英语很重要要和国际接轨</p><h2>七、实习的重要性英语作文?</h2><p>Internships must be very familiar for every graduate. In China, it is our traditional to have internships before graduating. They think it is good for students to experience the social life in advance. Although it couldn't receive the agreement of all people, but I think it will do good to students. There are several reasons to support my opinion.</p><h2>八、自学的重要性英语作文</h2><p>  Crrently, english is more and more widely used in our daily life. Ad in addition, english is regarded as one of the three essential skiils in the future(i.e.english, driving and computer skills).therefore, as far as i am concerned, learning english well is important for us students now.</p><p>  Fr myself, i prefer to learn english with interest.</p><p>  That is , i choose to listen to some popular english songs and watch some original english films to develop my interest in english at the beginning.</p><p>  And after that , i will be more interested in what teachers teach us.</p><p>  Further, i will review the notes which is taken in class in order to remember the important points in class.</p><p>  Ok, these are my ways to learn english.</p><h2>九、努力的重要性英语作文?</h2><p>自从我上中学以后我就得学习很多课程。虽然我不是班上成绩最好的学生,但我不会放弃。我总是告诉自己要努力学习,因为如果我想要和其他同学竞争,我就得付出很大的努力。当人们面对困难时,他们很容易否认自己的努力。如果他们失败了一次,就会怀疑自己所付出的努力。</p><p>事实上,我们的学习并不是无用功,我们所学到的东西会极大地帮助我们提升自己,我们所学的东西决定了我们是什么样的人。所以不要否认自己,因为在未来,你会看到你之前储备的价值。</p><h2>十、谨慎的重要性英语作文?</h2><p>When we make a choice of several aspects in life , there is a tendency that we usualy behave hesitantly . For main reason , sometimes a hea pof individuals do not dare to accept the resul t after making decisions just as the saying go es " Caution is the parent of safety ." Take a surgery doctor for exam</p>

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