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2024-07-05 11:02:58农业1

What is the English Translation of "农业机械学报"?

In China, "农业机械学报" refers to the Journal of Agricultural Machinery, which is a professional academic journal focusing on agricultural machinery and engineering. It covers a wide range of topics related to the research, development, and application of agricultural machinery in the field of agriculture.

The Journal of Agricultural Machinery is dedicated to promoting the exchange of knowledge and information in the field of agricultural machinery, and it plays a significant role in advancing agricultural technology and mechanization in China.

This journal serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, and experts to publish their latest findings, innovations, and insights in agricultural machinery, contributing to the development and improvement of agricultural practices.

With a focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of agricultural machinery, the Journal of Agricultural Machinery serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the agricultural engineering and technology industry, providing them with up-to-date information and research outcomes.


Thank you for reading this article on the English translation of "农业机械学报". Understanding the English equivalent of this journal can be helpful for individuals seeking information and resources in the field of agricultural machinery and engineering.

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