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Explore the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

2024-05-05 15:13:21展会信息1


The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) is a world-class venue that hosts a wide array of conferences, exhibitions, and events. With its prime waterfront location in the heart of Hong Kong, it serves as a hub for business and cultural gatherings.


The HKCEC boasts state-of-the-art facilities that cater to various event requirements. It offers versatile exhibition halls, spacious conference rooms, and well-equipped meeting rooms. The centre is well-known for its cutting-edge technology, ensuring seamless event experiences for both organizers and attendees. From advanced audiovisual systems to high-speed internet connectivity, the HKCEC has it all.


As a premier destination for conferences and exhibitions, the HKCEC hosts a diverse range of events throughout the year. From industry-specific trade shows to international conventions, there is always something happening at the centre. Notable events include the Hong Kong Electronics Fair, Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair, and the Asian Financial Forum.


The HKCEC enjoys a prime location in the heart of Hong Kong, making it easily accessible for both local and international visitors. Its proximity to major transportation hubs, including the Hong Kong International Airport, ensures hassle-free travel arrangements for attendees. The centre also offers convenient amenities nearby, such as hotels, shopping malls, and dining options.

Contributions to the Economy

The HKCEC plays a significant role in driving Hong Kong's economy. It attracts international exhibitors and delegates, boosting tourism and generating revenue for the city. The events held at the centre also promote business collaborations, knowledge sharing, and innovation, contributing to the overall development of various industries.


The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre is an internationally renowned venue that offers top-notch facilities and hosts a wide range of events. Its strategic location, modern infrastructure, and contribution to the economy make it an ideal choice for hosting conferences, exhibitions, and more. Whether you are a business professional, an exhibitor, or an event attendee, the HKCEC provides an exceptional experience. Explore this iconic venue and be a part of the dynamic events that take place within its walls.

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