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Address of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

2024-05-05 14:05:20展会信息1

Discover the Exact Location of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

If you are planning to visit the renowned Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), it is essential to know its English address to navigate your way through the city. The HKCEC is a prestigious venue for international conferences, exhibitions, and events, attracting visitors from all over the world.

The complete English address of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre is:

  • Address: 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

The HKCEC is strategically located in Wan Chai, one of the vibrant districts of Hong Kong Island. It boasts a stunning waterfront setting, offering breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour. The centre is conveniently situated near various transportation hubs and is easily accessible from both Hong Kong International Airport and major tourist attractions.

Being one of Asia's premier exhibition and event venues, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre has a world-class infrastructure that encompasses a vast convention hall, exhibition halls, meeting rooms, and state-of-the-art facilities. It can accommodate a large number of participants and is well-equipped to host a wide range of events, including trade shows, product launches, corporate conferences, and cultural exhibitions.

Visitors to the HKCEC can enjoy a seamless experience with the centre's modern amenities and professional services. The venue offers a wide range of food and beverage options to cater to diverse culinary preferences. Its location in Wan Chai also provides easy access to numerous hotels, shopping malls, cultural sites, and entertainment venues, offering visitors a complete experience of Hong Kong's vibrant lifestyle.

Whether you are attending a business conference, participating in an international exhibition, or exploring the city's cultural events, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre provides an ideal platform for connecting with global professionals, showcasing innovative products, and immersing yourself in the dynamic atmosphere of Asia's world city.

In conclusion, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's English address is 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Located in the heart of the city, it serves as a hub for international events, attracting visitors from around the globe. Plan your visit to this renowned venue and experience the best of Hong Kong's conference and exhibition industry.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope it has provided you helpful information about the address of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Whether you are a business traveler, a participant in an event, or simply interested in exploring Hong Kong's vibrant atmosphere, knowing the English address of the HKCEC is essential for a successful visit. Enjoy your time at this world-class venue and make the most of your stay in Hong Kong!

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